Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why christains believe god is present in our lives.

Catholics believe that God Is present In our lives through rituals. Catholics believe that doing the sign of the cross is a significant way to start a conversation with God by putting yourself In the presence of God. Also by attending mass It Is declaring that they belong to God and want to obey him and when Catholics go to receive transubstantiation Catholics are accepting the suffering that Christ has done for us. Catholics also believe that God is present in our lives through ethics.Catholic ethics come from the 10 commandments, it is important that we know the everlasting laws f God and what they mean such as â€Å"thou shall not steal† means that we shouldn't steal because it is disrespectful and we should respect others property as we wool like done to us. Another moral is â€Å"thou shall not harm† because humans are a creation of God and if we harm others or ourselves we are destroying Gods creation and â€Å"thou shall not bear false witness† means to no t lie about one self of anyone else.All of these ethics come under respect one self and one another. Why Catholics think It Is Important Is that acting morally with the Infinite laws of God, which are so Inspiring to most people that even those who do not know anything of God follow In the path of morality. Catholic believe strongly that God Is present in our lives though practice of individual experience such as baptism. Baptism is significant to the catholic community and faith because to that person getting baptized it represents the start of that person and God's relationship.This individual experience is very similar to conformation, it is similar because conformation In the Catholic Church represents growing up and creating a stronger bond between the person and God. Another individual experience is reconciliation in the Catholic Church, reconciliation is significant in the Catholic Church because â€Å"only God can forgive and cleanse sins away and allowing God to guide that individual through very tough times with making that bond with god and that individual stronger.Catholics believe that God Is present In our lives through rituals. Catholics believe that doing the sign of the cross Is a gallants way to start a conversation with God by putting yourself In the presence of God. Also by attending mass It Is declaring that they belong to God and want to obey him and when Catholics go to receive transubstantiation Catholics are accepting the suffering that Christ has done for us. Catholics also believe that God is present in our lives through ethics.Catholic ethics come from the 10 commandments, it is important that we know the everlasting laws of God and what they mean such as â€Å"thou shall not steal† means that we shouldn't steal because it is disrespectful and we should respect others property as we wool like done to us. Another moral is â€Å"thou hall not harm† because humans are a creation of God and if we harm others or ourselves we are destroying Gods creation and â€Å"thou shall not bear false witness† means to not Ill about one self of anyone else.All of these ethics come under respect one self and one another. Why Catholics think It Is Important Is that acting morally with the Infinite laws of God, which are so Inspiring to most people that even those who do not know anything of God follow in the path of morality. Catholic believe such as baptism. Baptism is significant to the catholic community and faith because o that person getting baptized it represents the start of that person and God's relationship.This individual experience is very similar to conformation, it is similar because conformation in the Catholic Church represents growing up and creating a stronger bond between the person and God. Another individual experience is reconciliation in the Catholic Church, reconciliation is significant in the Catholic Church because â€Å"only God can forgive and cleanse sins away' and allowing God t o guide that individual through very tough times with making that bond with god and that individual stronger.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Fantastic Voyage

Everyone board the mini-sub! Lora has a bacterium that is invading the lower lobe of her right lung. We must go now! We must destroy this bacterium before it makes her sick! We cannot let that happen her Lora. As of right now, we are entering the right femoral vein, close to the groin. The right femoral vein is parallel with the femoral artery through the upper thigh and pelvic region. It is one of the larger veins in the body. The femoral vein returns blood into the leg to the heart through the iliac vein. The right femoral vein comes from the abdomen. This vein collects blood from many veins in the body such as the hepatic, lumbar, gonadal, renal, and phrenic. We then go through the inguinal ligament. The inguinal ligament protects the tissue movement between the trunk and the lower extremities (Sajmay, 2013). It then continues as the right external iliac which comes together to the inferior vena cava, also known as the posterior vena cava. It is a vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the lower body to the heart. From there, the inferior vena cava leads to the right atrium of the heart. The right atrium is only one of the four hollow chambers of the heart. It receives blood from the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava. The blood that comes through these veins is low in oxygen (â€Å"Right Atrium†, n. d. ). After passing through the right atrium, we pass through the right atrioventricular (AV) valve, also called the tricuspid valve, and then we shall go through the right ventricle, lower right-hand chamber of the heart that pumps blood from the right atrium into the pulmonary arteries then to the lungs, to the pulmonary valve, or the pulmonary semilunar valve. The valves of the pulmonary semilunar valve opens when the right ventricle contracts. When the muscles relax, blood goes to the pulmonary trunk which then the valve closes to prevent the blood from returning to the right ventricle (â€Å"Right Atrium†, n. d. ). Before we go through the pulmonary semilunar valve, the wall right here is the interventricular septum. It separates the lower chambers, or the ventricles, of the heart. After that, we will go through the pulmonary trunk to get to the right pulmonary artery which sends blood from the heart to the lungs. The right pulmonary artery carries de-oxygenated blood to the right lung, into all 3 of the lobes. The pulmonary trunk divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries. The right pulmonary artery curves to the right, behind the aorta, and divides into two branches at the root of the right lung (Mosby, 2009). Now that we are in the right lung, we must go to the lower lobe. In the right lung, there are three lobes, the superior, middle, and inferior. It is divided into three lobes by two interlobular fissures, transverse fissure and oblique fissure (Taylor, n. d. ). The superior and middle lobe are separated by a transverse fissure and the middle and inferior lobe are separated by an oblique fissure (â€Å"Structure of the Lungs†, n. d. ). The left lung and right lung are not the same though. As you see, the right lung has only three lobes, as the left lung has two. They are different in size as the left lung is smaller than the right. The reasoning for this is because your hearts sets in between the lungs so the heart uses some of the space that your left lung is (Taylor, n. d. ). The function of the lungs is pulmonary ventilation, or breathing. Air is inhaled through your nostrils which pass through your trachea and enters the bronchi. Bronchi are two tubes that carry air to the lungs. Bronchioles are smaller branches of bronchi that split off (â€Å"Structure of the Lungs†, n. . ). Bronchioles divide into even smaller structures to form respiratory bronchioles which lead to the alveolar ducts. Then there are air sacs called alveoli. They are the basic functional units of lungs and have simple squamous epithelial cells. Alveoli cover about 60-70m. Oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide from the bloodstream by microscopic structures of the lungs called alveoli. Pl eura protects the lungs with a fluid cushioning system (â€Å"Structure of the Lungs†, n. d. ). Pleura are a membrane that lines the lung and the wall of the chest cavity. The fluid serves as a lubricant to allow for a smooth movement of the lungs within the chest cavity (Fayed, 2010). Pleura are a place for the development of mesothelioma (Fayed, 2010). Your body fights bacteria by using our immune system. Everyone has an immune system, whether it is a high or low immune system. There are two types of immunity, nonspecific and specific. Nonspecific immunity allows protection against a variety of things rather than protection from certain kinds of bad or invading cells or chemicals (Thibodeau & Patton, n. d. ). There are many types of nonspecific immune defenses in your body. Skin and mucous membranes are nonspecific mechanical barriers that do not allow bacteria and other substances into the body. Tears and mucus are also nonspecific immunity (Thibodeau & Patton, n. d. ). Phagocytosis of bacteria by white blood cells, or WBCs, is a nonspecific form of immunity. Changes in heat, redness, pain and swelling help phagocytic WBCs get to the area of the infection and enter the affected tissue. Specific immunity protects against certain types of invading bacteria or other toxic materials that enter the body or affect the body in a harmful way. The respiratory system filters, warms and humidifies the air we breathe which keeps some bacteria out of our bodies so it does not make us sick or ill. When the germs of pneumonia reach the lungs, the alveoli inflame and fill up with fluid and pus. When someone has pneumonia, oxygen has trouble reaching your blood. When only a little bit of oxygen gets in your blood, body cells do not work correctly. Lobar pneumonia affects a lobe of the lung. It can affect one or both, the right or left. Bronchial pneumonia or bronchopneumonia affects parts of both lungs (â€Å"Understanding Pneumonia†, n. d. ). When toxins enter blood, they mess up your body’s homeostasis. The body notices then gets rid of the toxins by using the urinary system. To get rid of it, the person urinates and the toxins and other nasty things in the blood come out which restores homeostasis to the normal body functions. Now take that infection. How does that penicillin work for you? It is gone and it will not be coming back. If it does, it will not be as bad if it were to infect her. Thank you everyone for helping me save Lora from getting sick. Hope you enjoyed the voyage. I sure did. I hope you learned something from this and enjoyed the experience.References (2010), Structure of the Lungs. Tutor Vista. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From (2013, 01). Path. Retrieved 01, 2013, from (2013, 04). Fantasy Voyage from Femoral Vein to Right Lobe of the Lung. Retrieved 04, 2013, from (n.d.). Homeostasis Examples. Your Dictionary Examples. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From (n.d.). Interventricular System. Inner Body. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From (n.d.). Understanding Pneumonia. American Lung Association. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From Fayed, L. (November 9, 2010), Pleura. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From Myers, T. (2009) Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 8th Edition. Elsevier. Sajmay (April 2013), Study Mode. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From Taylor, R. (n.d.), Why Does the Right Lung Have 3 Lobes and the Left 2?. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From http://www. Thibodeau, G. A./ Patton K. (2008) Structure & Function of the Body. Elsevier. Vallumsetla, N. (Nov. 25, 2010), Ask Doctor Free. Retrieved June 11, 2013, From

The Need for Academic Integrated Conflict Resolution in Education

The conflict between individuals aged 13 to 19 is so high that the need for academically integrated conflict resolution programs is quickly becoming a focal point of those involved in the educational world. Parents, teachers, and psychologists alike have all expressed horror that the rising number of youth offenders, violence in the schools, racial intolerance and the like has rapidly risen among their teenaged children, students, and clients. It has become second nature for students to solve their conflict with verbal confrontations and physical altercations. Tragically, the use of guns either aimed at the person that they believe to be the cause of their angst or at themselves in suicidal attempts is sometimes the heartbreaking epilogue of an inability to properly deal with conflict. It seems as though students don't know how to peacefully resolve the conflicts that they find themselves in on a day-to-day basis. A conflict resolution-training program that is integrated into a student's academic program will encourage students to learn the methods of peaceful mediation. It will induce students to apply the methods of conflict resolution into their day-to-day disputes not to mention the positive impact that it will have on their academic achievement. â€Å"A conflict exists when actions come into opposition. Conflict can occur within an individual, group, organization, institution, or nation. Conflicts can cross boundaries. They can occur between individuals and institutions, and across cultures. How we manage or resolve conflicts is the central issue. Today, underlying the violence that surrounds our schools, neighborhoods, and communities are conflicts which have never been addressed or have been improperly resolved. Indeed in a diverse and complex society, Conflict Resolution Programs are much needed and an important component of all schools. In the 60's and 70's this need was understood by the Quakers and peace activists. In the early 1980's, Educators for Social Responsibility examined alternative strategies of dealing with violence. The Children's Creative Response to Conflict, the Community Board's Program, and the Peace Education Foundation were in the forefront of the movement. In 1984 the National Association of Mediation (NAME) was formed which served as a clearinghouse for information and training for school- based conflict resolution programs. In 1983 the National Institute of Dispute Resolution (NIDR) was formed to promote the development of conflict resolution tools and processes. Several types of programs have now emerged in schools of a collaborative and cooperative problem-solving approach involving processes such as negotiation, conciliation, mediation, fact finding, and arbitration. The Gandhian method of conflict resolution, called â€Å"satyagraha†, or truth force, is concerned with human needs and recognizes the importance of resolving the â€Å"conflict triangle†: the attitude, the behavior, and the goal incompatibility itself. For Gandhi the desired outcome of a conflict is in the creation of a better social structure, and a greater degree of human unity. † (C. W. Post Library on Nonviolence). Conflict resolution in the inner city schools is quickly becoming an epidemic. Many schools have implemented preventative programs which include both uniformed and undercover armed guards to metal detectors to metal detectors in the school hallways. â€Å"†¦ Though one New York City study suggests the effectiveness of metal detectors, many experts fear that detectors do little more than create a false sense of security in schools† (Witkin, 1998). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects that a conflict resolution program that is integrated into an English literature class has on students in an urban high school in New York. According to Johnson and Johnson (1996), conflict resolution programs can be divided into three ways. There is the cadre or total student body approach, which trains certain students to become peer mediators or training every student in the school in constructive conflict management, respectively. Levy (1989) and Maxwell (1989) divide conflict resolution programs into two categories: curriculum-based programs and peer mediation programs. Curriculum based programs are preventative in nature and focus on teaching students to about conflicts and the alternatives to violence as a method of resolution. They emphasize social skills, empathy training, stress and anger management, attitudes about conflicts, and bias awareness. The third division is a division of skills-oriented approaches and academically oriented approaches. Opotow (1991) has found skills-oriented approaches to be those in which students are taught the interpersonal and small-group skills which are needed to resolve conflicts constructively (D. W. Johnson, 1997; D. W. Johnson & F. Johnson, 1997); in the academic approach students are taught the intellectual procedures and cognitive skills for managing conflicts such as academic controversy (D. W. Johnson & R. Johnson, 1979, 1995a), violence prevention (Prothrow-Stith, Spivak, & Hausman, 1987), and critical thinking (Paul, 1984; Seigel, 1988); and the last approach is the structural-change approach which emphasize changing the school structure from a mass-manufacturing approach to a team based, high-performance organizational structure (D. W. Johnson & R. Johnson, 199 4) and providing a cooperative context for a management of conflict (Deutsch, 1973; D. W. Johnson & R. Johnson, 1994). The Need for Academic Integrated Conflict Resolution in Education The conflict between individuals aged 13 to 19 is so high that the need for academically integrated conflict resolution programs is quickly becoming a focal point of those involved in the educational world. Parents, teachers, and psychologists alike have all expressed horror that the rising number of youth offenders, violence in the schools, racial intolerance and the like has rapidly risen among their teenaged children, students, and clients. It has become second nature for students to solve their conflict with verbal confrontations and physical altercations. Tragically, the use of guns either aimed at the person that they believe to be the cause of their angst or at themselves in suicidal attempts is sometimes the heartbreaking epilogue of an inability to properly deal with conflict. It seems as though students don't know how to peacefully resolve the conflicts that they find themselves in on a day-to-day basis. A conflict resolution-training program that is integrated into a student's academic program will encourage students to learn the methods of peaceful mediation. It will induce students to apply the methods of conflict resolution into their day-to-day disputes not to mention the positive impact that it will have on their academic achievement. â€Å"A conflict exists when actions come into opposition. Conflict can occur within an individual, group, organization, institution, or nation. Conflicts can cross boundaries. They can occur between individuals and institutions, and across cultures. How we manage or resolve conflicts is the central issue. Today, underlying the violence that surrounds our schools, neighborhoods, and communities are conflicts which have never been addressed or have been improperly resolved. Indeed in a diverse and complex society, Conflict Resolution Programs are much needed and an important component of all schools. In the 60's and 70's this need was understood by the Quakers and peace activists. In the early 1980's, Educators for Social Responsibility examined alternative strategies of dealing with violence. The Children's Creative Response to Conflict, the Community Board's Program, and the Peace Education Foundation were in the forefront of the movement. In 1984 the National Association of Mediation (NAME) was formed which served as a clearinghouse for information and training for school- based conflict resolution programs. In 1983 the National Institute of Dispute Resolution (NIDR) was formed to promote the development of conflict resolution tools and processes. Several types of programs have now emerged in schools of a collaborative and cooperative problem-solving approach involving processes such as negotiation, conciliation, mediation, fact finding, and arbitration. The Gandhian method of conflict resolution, called â€Å"satyagraha†, or truth force, is concerned with human needs and recognizes the importance of resolving the â€Å"conflict triangle†: the attitude, the behavior, and the goal incompatibility itself. For Gandhi the desired outcome of a conflict is in the creation of a better social structure, and a greater degree of human unity. † (C. W. Post Library on Nonviolence). Conflict resolution in the inner city schools is quickly becoming an epidemic. Many schools have implemented preventative programs which include both uniformed and undercover armed guards to metal detectors to metal detectors in the school hallways. â€Å"†¦ Though one New York City study suggests the effectiveness of metal detectors, many experts fear that detectors do little more than create a false sense of security in schools† (Witkin, 1998). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects that a conflict resolution program that is integrated into an English literature class has on students in an urban high school in New York. According to Johnson and Johnson (1996), conflict resolution programs can be divided into three ways. There is the cadre or total student body approach, which trains certain students to become peer mediators or training every student in the school in constructive conflict management, respectively. Levy (1989) and Maxwell (1989) divide conflict resolution programs into two categories: curriculum-based programs and peer mediation programs. Curriculum based programs are preventative in nature and focus on teaching students to about conflicts and the alternatives to violence as a method of resolution. They emphasize social skills, empathy training, stress and anger management, attitudes about conflicts, and bias awareness. The third division is a division of skills-oriented approaches and academically oriented approaches. Opotow (1991) has found skills-oriented approaches to be those in which students are taught the interpersonal and small-group skills which are needed to resolve conflicts constructively (D. W. Johnson, 1997; D. W. Johnson & F. Johnson, 1997); in the academic approach students are taught the intellectual procedures and cognitive skills for managing conflicts such as academic controversy (D. W. Johnson & R. Johnson, 1979, 1995a), violence prevention (Prothrow-Stith, Spivak, & Hausman, 1987), and critical thinking (Paul, 1984; Seigel, 1988); and the last approach is the structural-change approach which emphasize changing the school structure from a mass-manufacturing approach to a team based, high-performance organizational structure (D. W. Johnson & R. Johnson, 199 4) and providing a cooperative context for a management of conflict (Deutsch, 1973; D. W. Johnson & R. Johnson, 1994).

Monday, July 29, 2019

US politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

US politics - Essay Example The United States still pollutes more than any other nation, and still represents the epitome of a consumerist society: producing little more than nothing, and consuming a large quantity of the world’s goods. The Environmentalist movement, even though it has achieved mainstream status, remains unable to show progress in curbing these trends. In fact, the mainstream status of the movement puts the movement itself in some jeopardy. That is, the Environmentalist movement in the United States has been quite â€Å"successful†, but not successful in the way many of the original environmentalists and conservationists had hoped: commercially successful, which many believe has corrupted the movement beyond repair. American Environmentalism took root in the open frontiers of the untamed West in the 19th century when principles of conservation ran contrary to abusive practices in mining and railroad construction. The role of the environment in American politics changed in 1901 when President Roosevelt instituted practices, like the Reclamation Act, to conserve land and resources across the country (Silveira, 2003). The split between conservation (using resources efficiently) and preservation (not using resources at all) fragmented the environmentalist movement in the 20th century, which provided a source of diversity among these groups. Early environmentalism was an upper-class movement to preserve resources for recreation (Silveira, 2003). Modern Environmentalism primarily began in 1962 with the publication of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, which detailed the devastation of industry on nature. Taken with other social movements in the 1960s, the Environmentalist movement became one more means to infuse particular values into society as a whole. However, rather than attempting social change during this time, Environmentalists sought government intervention to protect the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Juvenile Delinquency and Reoffense Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Juvenile Delinquency and Reoffense - Essay Example As the discussion stressers after serving the punishment handed down by the juvenile justice system, the juvenile delinquent is released from custody or supervision. The interest in the effectiveness of the justice system in reforming the individual gave rise to a wealth of literature particularly in the subject of re-offense. This paper aims to determine and discuss the nature of troubled youth re-offense and evaluate the policies aimed in addressing them. In reading this paper, one will come to know that re-offense is more commonly referred to as recidivism and that several socio-demographic, legal and policy-related factors are involved in its dynamics. From this paper it is clear that reoffending is more commonly known as recidivism and is legally taken to refer to the act of an individual committing an offense after being released from a correctional facility. The interest in determining the tendency of an individual to commit a crime again has given rise to several studies concerning recidivism. Maltz conducted a literature review and was able to identify at least 14 working definitions with the most prominent being re-arrest, resentence and readjust/reconviction. An individual is re-arrested once he is taken into custody after being released from custody or supervision after a certain time. This measure is argued to be dubious due to the fact that the arrestee may have been arrested for a delinquent behaviour that he did not commit. In short, the mere act of being arrested is taken to be indicative of recidivism. A child or an adolescent is considered to have been resentenced once he is subjected to a period of custody or superv ision.  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Debate Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Debate - Assignment Example Thirdly, a high percentage of this group of urban dwellers lacks health insurance and need close healthcare attention (Smith, 1997). People in urban areas with limited access to healthy groceries are also forced to eat whatever they find and most of them are harmful to humans. This include oily foods like french fries and fried meat. However, it is vital to note that people in rural areas are also extremely vulnerable to disease and preference to health care should also be accorded to them. This is because people in rural areas have significantly poorer health status than urban dwellers. This is because people in rural areas engage in unhealthy practices such as smoking, and less exercise. Secondly, people in rural areas are less educated than those in urban areas, and tend not to comprehend the importance of health care in elongating their lives. Lastly, people in rural areas have limited access to health care and must travel long distances to acquire medical care. They can die or their conditions worsen before they gain adequate medical care (Bauer, 2011). In conclusion, I believe that due to the high pollution in urban areas dwellers tend to be prone to disease and require preference to health care. Furthermore, urban dwellers with limited access to healthy groceries lack the nutrients and vitamins in their body needed to fight off

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sayyid Qutbs Milestones Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sayyid Qutbs Milestones - Assignment Example The story unfolds that faith and beliefs in adult peoples minds are predetermined while a child poises questions to these faith and beliefs. The story has two principal characters; a six-year-old boy and a man by the name Shaykh Naqib. Naqib is an adult with bizarre demeanor who walks around naked, pour dust and mud over his naked body, run through streets screaming in a shrill and terrifying voice. The adults of the village describe Naqib’s behavior as an approach to reach the sainthood after taking a particular medicine. The protagonist, then a six-year-old boy who also once took the same foul-smelling, foul-testing bitter medicine fails to understand why the same medicine turned Naqib into a fearsome wandering devil. The adult believes Naqib is favored by God because only those who are favored by the God can have the special medicine. It cleans soul, purifies spirit, and the human becomes a Magzub. Thus, Naqib is a Magzub. In Arabic, Magzub represents an individual who lives in a divine attraction. A Magzub does not adhere to social norms. Thus by walking naked and performing other bizarre things, Naqib never v iolated social norms. Naqib is a saint in adults’ minds, but for children he is a devil who can reach them with his terrible stick from any distance; then burn their backs, and break their ribs. The author in this story uses perception conflict of the same fact or phenomenon by two different generations; adults perceive through wisdom, children through instinct. Furthermore, the author in this regard does not provide an answer as to who is right and who is wrong. He leaves it under reader’s judgment; how to find the truth – through wisdom or instinct? The culmination of the story is dramatic, even revolutionary to a certain extent. Protagonist becomes sick; another woman recommends his mother to send him for a night to the Magzub.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Business Regulation Simulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Regulation Simulation - Essay Example The simulation will be based on the Legal Environment of Business Simulation UOP. the aim of the paper is to identify and analyze the main facts, regulations, and legal issues which influence the company and its stakeholders. Also, the paper will cover risk analysis and ethical questions, and provide possible solutions to the problem exist. The aim of EPA rules is to promote better self-regulation of business. EPA rules and regulations have a great impact on decision-making process determining direction and strategies of future growth and development. EPA found that five years ago, Alumina violated environmental regulations and rules. According to commission results, PAH concentration was above the norm. Thus, Alumina asked for another test and received a good record of compliance. Except this case, the company strictly follows environmental rules and regulations. This adversarial mode of business-government relationships in the regulatory arena can be adapted to a more cooperative, less confrontational mode through positive interaction between compliance officials from the public and the private sectors. The central theme of interactive corporate compliance is the encouragement of effective compliance systems within each business so as to ensure that the purposes of public policy are reflected in the internal operatio ns of American businesses--not only through the threats of enforcement efforts for noncompliance, but also through the positive effects of recognition of the obligations to make corporate practices square with the requirements of public policy. Voluntary compliance can be made palatable, and even profitable, in an effective scheme of interactive compliance (Hildreth 2007; US. EPA 2006). The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is another important issue in simulation. Among most FOIA officers, the individuals who process the requests and authorize the disclosures, there is, in fact, a genuine respect for the FOIA. This act was signed by Even Lyndon Johnson in 1966. Following this Act, Alumina asked the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to disclose the information concerning their spill five years ago. No one, in or out of government, can deny the oppressive delays in agency response to FOIA requests, but this varies from agency to agency and is often due to the refusal of the executive branch to provide adequate funding and staffing for its FOIA sections. Indeed, there is considerable evidence that the career professionals overseeing the implementation of the FOIA in federal agencies have, for the most part, accepted the principle of the public's right to know (Richter, 2002). Another important factor covered by the study is the U.S Environmental Protection Agency Compliance Incentives and Auditing policy. The aim of this strategy is to identify all aspects of its production, storage, and transportation operations, analyzing its management systems, and other systems designed to avoid, prevent, or mitigate spills. More and more, individual citizens throughout the country are deciding to reward what they see as "good" businesses with patronage, support, and good will and to tell the dishonest or unethical corporations to shape up or lose their business. This is becoming particularly evident in the areas of the environment and public health. Kelly

What Functions of Management Has McDonald's Leadership Used in Order Essay

What Functions of Management Has McDonald's Leadership Used in Order to Turn Around the Company and Make It Profitable - Essay Example What Functions of Management Has McDonald's Leadership Used in Order to Turn Around the Company and Make It Profitable? It is the duty of the organization to make sure that they are well equipped resources wise and as well as in the form of manpower. It is the duty of the management to make sure that they hire the right kind of people for the organization. In today’s business the role of management is very crucial. They have to hire right, organize efficiently and effectively and make sure all the business units are working as they are supposed to. In this case, Mc Donald’s at earlier was actually focusing on the growth of the number of franchises that it had. They were focused on growth but in a totally different sense. This problem was later identified by the management and the decided to deal with it by focusing more the collection of higher revenues from each of the existing branches. The entire shift in focus was a better idea as it helped increase revenues for the fast food chain. There are many functions of the management. The main four functions of management are planning, organizing, controlling and leading. It is the duty of the management to plan keeping in mind the budget that they have and the resources available. In case of Mc Donald’s, the earlier flaw was where they thought that they can make billions by just opening shop after shop.hey had failed to realize that by just opening shops they will never be able to generate revenue. This caused a serious increase in their expenses as their fixed costs increased while there was no significant increase in the revenue in fact the branches that were earlier giving profits also started turning out losses as the customers who were coming there become dispersed. If there would have been some proper planning they would have analyzed the areas and then franchised or opened up a shop so that the customers would increase in number instead of being dispersed (Aaker, David, 1991). Then, what is most amazing ab out Mc Donald’s is the cost control that they have, despite the world facing a lot of economic crunch the prices of Mc Donald’s have had no escalation, instead they are still offering the same value meal with the same service and quality. The central function of an organization’s marketing department is to anticipate consumer’s expectations about the company’s products and the best way to deliver these organizational promises. Consumer behavior encapsulates all facets of purchase, use and disposal of the product/service produced by the organization. The core element of the study of consumer behavior is the fact that the buying activities are dependent on the consumer’s personality. High risk takers indulge in the buying of new and risky product/technology which has not yet been established in the market. Further, consumer buying patterns change with the lifecycle of the consumer, because the consumer itself undergoes personality changes. The control and the leading quality of the management is visible from the way that they had anticipated the fact that it’s the ethnic groups that are basically introducing newer trends in the markets. The new product range that they had introduced also showed the keenness that they had in attracting newer customers and the tactics that they used to retain the older existing customers. The introduction of the newer product range and making Mc Donald’s â€Å"an any time walk in restaurant† has totally changed their positioning in the market, since they are catering to much more diverse market than ever before. Delving into the psychology of buying

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Management in the Arts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Management in the Arts - Research Paper Example It has come up with different technologies of artificial pitches and excellent customer service which help the customers to avail their services. ‘Goals’ is a company which has established courts having floodlights and these courts have a spacious area. Moreover the services of pavilion are provided to the customers for refreshment purposes along with the facilities of parking. Service/ Products Heathrow Goals is located in an area with high population so that it can attract a wider range of crowd. The services that the center provides are associated with the services of the company ‘Goals’. It provides the service of booking the pitches for matches of football along with kid parties. The teams can sign up to leagues or tournaments organized by the Heathrow Goals. It provides different facilities for the teams who are enrolled in these leagues or tournaments. It has around 12 all weather pitches which help the customers with different environment of day and night. These pitches are well developed by the Heathrow Goals with rubber crumb artificial grass. The pitches also have the facility of floodlights so that the individuals can play up to the time that they want to. The Heathrow Goals also has luxury sports bar along with a private function room for parties. A mega screen is located on the pitch which attracts the teams to the centers. And lastly it also provides the facilities of shower and changing rooms for the sportsmen. Finances   The finances of the Goals clearly show that their popularity and sales is increasing every other day. With the help of the facilities that it provides it is seen that people are getting attracted towards the centre even more. In the years 2009 it was seen that the sales of the company were increased by 6% which clearly showed the strength of finance of the company. The company aims to four more centers during the year of 2011. In 2010 it was seen that five such centers were opened and made functional by the company to generate huge profits. It also opened its centre out of the United Kingdom in the famous state of Los Angeles. It is believed that with the current facilities the company would be further able to excel in the year of 2011 and currently the number of sales is enough for the company to fulfill its goals. Premises   Heathrow Goals is located on the Shepiston Lane, Heathrow with 12 day night courts for the footballers. The premises of Heathrow goals contain a bar for the footballers along with changing rooms and shower. The pitches in Heathrow Goals are almost 12 joined together but separated by the pavilion ends. It also has separate rooms where kid parties can be arranged. History   The history of Goals can be traced back to 1987 when the first 5-a side centre was established. Keith Rogers was the co founder of Anchor International Limited which created this first centre. Keith Roger was able to successfully expand the business until it was sold to 3i at the pri ce of 28 million pounds in the year of 1999. After selling Anchor International Limited, Keith Rogers carried out an MBI (Management buy in) on an existent business so that he could flourish his concept of 5-a side business. The company that he carried out an MBI on was backed by HBOS Plc and Dunedin and soon after staff upgrading started. New information technology systems were introduced in the business to help the business. After

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

CR2009 PSYCHOLOGY AND CRIME Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

CR2009 PSYCHOLOGY AND CRIME - Essay Example Criminal profiling is used by law enforcement officials like the police among other investigative agencies around the globe, to predict the nature of the criminals that they are encountering. This process has continued to be used, irrespective of the fact that there is a lack of solid empirical/ scientific evidence which is valid, reliable and useful to show that the method really works and provides factual information (Snook et al., 2007). The information gap between the usage of the process and the lack of supportive evidence leads any sensible person to one main question. This question is: â€Å"why do many people, among them specialists in criminology and law enforcement believes that criminal profiling works, irrespective of the fact that there is a lack of solid evidence to show that the process is productive. Towards addressing this information gap, this report will assess the extent, to which offender profiling informs policing and investigations, through examining the illus ion of offender profiling. The criminal profiling illusion will be explored from the point of view of the nature of the criminal profiling information delivered to people, and the varied ways in which they process the information supplied. The assembly of the profile of an unknown criminal ordinarily, takes place in three phases (Hicks and Sales, 2006). The first phase in the process is the collection of crime scene evidence (data) by police or other law enforcement officials; the information collected can be in different forms, including detective accounts, photographs and autopsy reports. The data collected is then sent to a criminal profiler, who uses it to make predictions about the behavioural, personality and the demographic characteristics of the criminal involved in the given crime. The predictions about the nature of the criminal are then sent back to the officers investigating the crime. Despite the fact

Monday, July 22, 2019

Organizational Culture, Business Strategy and HR Practices affect diverse teams‘ performance Essay Example for Free

Organizational Culture, Business Strategy and HR Practices affect diverse teams‘ performance Essay The Later Findings: Organizational Culture, Business Strategy and HR Practices affect diverse teams‘ performance Effects of Organizational Culture and Business Strategies Effects of Organizational Culture and Business Strategies Diverse groups show a higher level of performance in a people-oriented culture Educationally diverse groups perform better within a growth-oriented business strategy Educationally diverse groups perform worse within a stability-oriented business strategy Growth-oriented cultures need creativity and innovation, this is provided through a diverse group Diverse work teams need an appropriate work environment (innovative, creative, group ID) Effects of HR Practices Members of diverse groups are generally rewarded higher in stock options within a diversity-oriented HR environment Companies, which manage diversity well are well managed overall Good diversity management is provided through a strong support from the CEO The Expanded, Nuanced Leadership Role 2050 non-whites will be the majority in the USA Specific and practical recommendations for leaders of diverse teams: 1. Be attuned to issues of social category diversity and identity groups Reflecting about the own social identity, about the one of others and the associated reactions to it 2. Keep refining and developing your own emotional and social intelligence Becoming more aware of the own strength and weaknesses, be aware of the own mood and how to manage it. A high level of self-awareness and flexibility are vital for social intelligence. Be aware about your own verbal and non-verbal language and try to manage them well. Be able to adapt to different cultures and gain crucial knowledge about them. 3. Focus on the diversity values of the team, early and often A good performance is provided through an early alignment of vision and values. 4. Create a strong team identity or brand Team leaders need to build the team’s identity and connection to the organization. Shorthand identification, which can be repeated and demonstrated until it becomes accepted and well known. 5. Hone your skills at having tough conversations See conflict as creative tension that can build positive results. 6. Focus on building organizational culture and human resource practices that are needed to translate diversity into positive results Ensure that a suitable work environment, business strategy and HR practices are in place for diverse teams.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Omo Detergent In Nigeria

Omo Detergent In Nigeria Omo is manufactured and distributed by Unilever Nigeria Plc, which is a subsidiary of the multinational food and vitality company, Unilever whose corporate mission is to add vitality to life. They are manufacturers and suppliers of consumer goods in the foods, home care and personal care divisions. Unilever Nigeria Plc was incorporated on 11th April, 1923 as the Lever Brothers (West Africa) Ltd (OceanicPearl 2009). The company began as a trading organisation founded by Lord Leverhulme in Nigeria and West Africa. It started as a soap manufacturing organisation and has remained over the years to become one of Nigerias oldest surviving manufacturing organisations. The company has over the years diversified into the manufacture of foods, personal care products and non-soapy detergents. This was done through mergers and acquisitions, some of which include the acquisition of Lipton Nigeria Ltd in 1985 and Cheesebrough Pond Industries Ltd in 1988 (UnileverNigeria 2010a). In line with the ot her parts of the multinational group, the companys name was changed in 2001 to Unilever Nigeria Plc. It was listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange in 1973 and 49% of its equity are owned by Nigerians at the moment while 51% is held by Unilever Overseas Holdings BV (OceanicPearl 2009). KEY MARKET SEGMENTS AND SIZE OF MARKET Unilever Nigeria Plc is involved in three main market segments and they are: Foods The brands of Unilever in this segment are Blue Band margarine, Lipton tea, Knorr and Royco food seasonings. Blue band margarine dominates the margarine market with only few strong competitors. Lipton tea is also the dominant brand in the Nigerian tea market, with relatively little competition from local manufacturers. However, the Nigerian tea consumption is very small due to the hot climate and the fact that consumers prefer chocolate drinks to tea. Knorr and Royco are different brands of a glutamate-based food seasoning. Although they possess a considerable market share, they have very stiff competition from the Maggi brand of Nestlà © Nigeria which is the dominant seasoning brand in the market. Home care This segment of the fast moving consumer goods market is dominated by multinational companies like Unilever, Procter and Gamble and PZ Cussons although there is competition from other local manufacturers. This dominance is due to the large amount of capital assigned to marketing by the multinationals, which most local manufacturers ignore either due to lack of capital or ignorance. The key Unilever brands in this segment are Omo and Key. Omo comes in a powder form while Key is a green bar soap. The Omo detergent comes in various pack sizes while the bar soap come in two sizes. These products are mainly produced for hand washing although Omo may be used for machine wash. Personal care division Currently, Nigerian households spend US $5 billion annually in the personal care category (Tura 2010). It is a very competitive segment of the Nigerian market and boasts a lot of local manufacturers. Investors are drawn into this segment because of the low barriers to entry and exit. Also, government policies favour the establishment of small-scale factories in this segment with tax incentives granted the organisations. However, multinational organisations such as Unilever and PZ Cussons still control large portion of the segment. Unilevers brands in this segment include Lux, Pears and Sunsilk. Pears is a petroleum jelly brand while Lux and Sunsilk are brands that cover body and hair care products although Sunsilk is cheaper and was created to cater for the low income segment of the Nigerian society. Size of market Because food, home care and personal care are essential to all humans, the market for most of Unilever Nigerias products including Omo can be seen as the entire population of the country. The household consumer goods segment has been growing steadily due to the increased marketing by companies, stimulated by growing demand. Detergents for hand washing have not been left out. The unsteady power situation in Nigeria favour hand washing rather than machine washing and so most of the washing detergents produced in the country are made for hand-wash applications. With a population of over 140million people and an annual population growth rate of 1.999% according to the 2009 estimates (Indexmundi 2009), Nigeria presents a large market for powder detergents. With an urban population percentage of 48% (2008 census) and 97% of the population below 65years (Indexmundi 2009), the market potentials are huge. The Nigerian population is made up of an upper wealthy class that only constitutes about 10% of the population. The middle and lower class make up the remaining 90% with the lower class having the lion share. The chart below shows the Living Standard Measure (LSM) of the adult population in 2008. The Living Standard Measure is a wealth proxy calculated based on the ownership of certain goods and degree of urbanization and ranges from 1 (indigent and rural) to 10 (affluent and urban) (Ladipo 2008). PRODUCT DESCRIPTION AND KEY DATA Omo is a white detergent powder that is used for washing clothes. It is produced specifically for hand washing although it can be used for machine washing as well. Omo is a chemical-based detergent with excellent stain removal properties. It comes in 35 and 50grams sachets and also in 200, 400 and 900grams packs. Because of the relatively low income level of the average Nigerian family, the small product sachets have been favoured over the years. Omos brand colours are white, blue and red, with the word Omo written in blue and as uppercase characters on the packaging, which carries the brands colours. Omo is one of the oldest brand names in the household care category in Nigeria. For a long time, Omo was the generic name for non-soap detergents, in most parts of Nigeria. However, increased competition has changed this. MARKETING DATA OF OMO The turnover for the powder detergents segment and Omos market share are given in the table below. NGN represents the currency of Nigeria, the Nigerian naira. The overall sales volume/turnover decrease from 2008 to 2009 was due to fall in demand caused by a high inflation rate. The increase in sales value is as a result of higher product prices rather than an increase in sales volume. However, though there was a decrease in sales volume of powder detergents in 2009, turnover has increased greatly over figures from the early 90s due to the introduction of the more affordable economy-sized sachets of product and improvements in road network across the country which made rural markets more accessible. The turnover for Omo has experienced a gradual decline over the years as consumers now see it as an old and ineffective product and hence prefer the competitions products. The volume and value share of Omo also decreased over the year due to the wrong perception of the product by the consumers and very stiff competition in the segment with several players like Eko Resources Ltd., introducing cheaper alternatives into the market. Main competitors The ability to constantly innovate and make exciting offers to customers is a very important attribute needed to survive and excel in a competitive market (Jobber 1998) like the Nigerian detergent market. Detergents purchase has a low level of involvement and so consumers are quick to try something they perceive better. There are several products that compete in this market segment, their large numbers being due to the low barriers to entry and exit for this market segment. Of the many brands that exist, the three main competitors of Omo are: So Klin washing powder This is a leader in the mass market category of the powder detergents market. It is manufactured by Eko Supreme Resources Ltd., jointly owned by Nigerian and Asian investors and was introduced into the market in 1995. The manufacturers spotted a gap in the market since prior to this time, Omo and the other detergents did not come in economy packs (products came in packs of at least 200grams) and were beyond the reach of the greater populace. They introduced sachets of 15grams and 30grams to cater for the low income earners. This caused them to take over much of the competitors market share. Also, on entry, the white colour of the powder strengthened its claim to provide superior cleaning with just small amounts, at a time when the other players including Omo still came as blue powders. After gaining grounds with its economy-sized products, it also ventured into the realm of the existing main players of the industry by introducing products in 200g, 400g and 900g packs to cater for hig h-end customers. At the end of the 2008 retail year, So Klin emerged second in the powder detergent category mainly the 13 to 35kg segments but still undisputedly remain the first in the sachet (15 and 30grams) segment, which accounts for 50% of the powder detergent business in Nigeria (The Nation 2009). Ariel washing powder This product is manufactured by Procter Gamble Nigeria, which started operations in Nigeria in 1992. It also comes in the form of a white powder and occupies a sizeable share of the detergent market although it is a sort of premium detergent. It was introduced in comparatively large sized packs and cost on the average more than its other competitors for same-sized products. This greater price premium was perceived by most of the AB and C1 groups (using British social classification as given by White (2000)) as a sign of higher quality and became popular especially among Nigerians who knew of their operations outside the country. Procter Gamble Nigeria undertakes aggressive advertising and has over time gradually increased its market share. With the introduction of their economy sized products (15 and 30grams), their customer base increased making them the second major competitor of Omo. Elephant detergent This detergent is manufactured by PZ Cussons Nigeria, a company that commenced business in Nigeria as a West African merchant. Elephant detergent is the third major competitor of Omo in the detergents category. Prior to the entry of the Procter Gamble brand Ariel, it was the main competitor of Omo and together with Omo, occupied more than 40% of the detergents category. Elephant detergent over the years has grown into an umbrella brand that has several detergent products under it such as the Elephant Gold and Elephant colour. It started out as a blue detergent packaged in 200g packs but has transformed into a white detergent following the change in the Nigerian consumer preference. On the wake of the So Klin revolution, brands like Omo tried to quickly reposition while Elephant dawdled resulting in a severe loss of market share. It now comes in economy packs although its strongholds lie in the large sized packs (200grams and above). LIFECYCLE OF OMO WASHING POWDER Omo detergent powder is in its mature phase at the moment. It was introduced over 40 years ago and its early stage was marked with great acceptance as the market had very few players predominantly Elephant detergent. This established the brand and led to a very rapid growth phase through the 80s and early 90s. By the late 90s, the product entered its mature phase. Its market share has since been fairly constant with slight increases or decreases yearly depending on marketing activities. This is evidenced by the gradual fall in market share (from 17.4percent in 2008 to 16.3percent in 2009) as seen in Table 1. Unilever Nigeria constantly undertakes several activities to extend the life of the product. These include repackaging, resizing of packs, introduction of improved formulas and constant advertising. SWOT ANALYSIS FOR OMO DETERGENT Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Strong customer awareness of the brand Crowded and very competitive market Government vision 20/20 developmental policies Entrance of cheaper substitutes like Bonux (by Procter Gamble Nigeria) and Good Mama detergent (by Eko Supreme Resources Nigeria Ltd.) into the market. Large skilled marketing force Price sensitivity of product Improved road network in rural areas Re-launch of Ariel Enzymax as Ariel Prozim by Procter Gamble Nigeria Plc (M2weekly 2010) Access to home companys resources/technology Small brand product range offering specific advantages to different customer segments Increasing income of middle class Difficulty in accessing credit from local banks in the light the restructuring of the banking sector and global financial crisis. A large number of loyal nationwide distributors Improved electricity supply reducing production costs. Fall in local raw materials production Large local production capacity Growing population and market Increase in import duties on imported raw materials Wide product packaging size range High inflation rate(12 per cent in December 2009) (FreshPlaza 2010) Clear brand positioning Low entry barriers into business FUTURE TRENDS IN THE MARKET Nigerian consumers increasingly want more variety, freedom, quality and want to remove the hassle from washing and save time. With an annual population growth rate of 1.999% from 2009 estimates (Indexmundi 2009), the market for household care products is growing. In 2008, the Fast Moving Consumer Goods sector in Nigeria of which detergents are a large share grew by over 15% to a market size of around 130 billionNGN ( £552 million) (TradeInvestNigeria 2009). Also, with the increase in the income of the middle class and the percentage of the population that constitute this class, the average disposable income per family is increasing at a steady pace. Therefore, over the next few decades, there will be a shift of demand from economy sized goods (15 and 30grams) to family sized goods (200grams and above) as the younger, more educated portion of the population, which form a greater part of the population, with a median age of 19years (Indexmundi 2009) grow older and establish families. Although infrastructural development (especially power supply) is slow on the average, it is quite faster in urban areas like Lagos, Port Harcourt and Kano. These cities make up a large portion of the entire market. In addition, a larger proportion of married women now take up jobs in the private and public sectors, leaving very little time for activities like hand washing. For these reasons, there is a gradual growth in the market for machine wash powders and this is expected to continue over the next two decades. Finally, with government rigorously executing various projects and making policies in line with its plan for Nigeria to be among the first 20 economies in the world by the year 2020, a rapid growth in the infrastructural development especially rural roads is opening up the rural market thereby adding to market growth. ADVERTISING PHILOSOPHY Omo is advertised with a catch phrase Dirt is good, built around the belief that allowing children explore their environments ensures they grow and develop properly. The advertising of Omo is focused on the mother as the target considering she is the main decision maker for the purchase of household care products like detergents. From personal communication with Unilever Nigeria (February 2010), the primary target consumer description is given below. She is a mother in LSM 5 8, aged 23 45yrs. Her children are central to her world and she wants them to develop and explore the world. Laundry is an important part of her life she takes great pride in seeing her family looking good and wearing clean clothes. She cares about great laundry results and her childs development She lives in the urban and semi-urban parts of the country. Unilever Nigeria employs the television, posters and radio advertising to market Omo, each media used to a different degree. Television Omos main advertising is done on television since their target audience always watch television especially in the evenings. The adverts are run during a soap opera and a family breakfast show which run on Thursday (8-10pm) and Saturday mornings (9-10am) respectively weekly. These shows are almost religiously watched by most families and so have a great impact rate for the target audience. Posters These are the other most used media for advertising Omo. Posters are placed on billboards in markets and major roads all over the country. Since the target audience is the woman, and women are the ones who go to markets to do the family shopping, this is a highly effective method. Markets tend to be centralised and most women go shopping at least weekly and so are always exposed to the advert each time they go there. Using posters offers three main advantages for the marketing of this product. Firstly, since power is not constant in the country, posters present an ever visible advert, always present unlike television adverts that will not be seen if there is no power supply during the time when the advert is supposed to run. Secondly, posters also allow the message of the product to be passed to consumers who do not own television sets considering this is the case in certain parts of the country. Thirdly, posters are also made in the major languages of the different states in the cou ntry as Nigeria has over 200 indigenous languages. This is a very big advantage of using posters, as it reduces the cost of advertising which would be ridiculously high if TV commercials of the different languages were to be made. It ensures that the message of the advertising is effectively communicated to the consumers even if they are not very good in English language. Radio Local radio is also employed in the advertisement of Omo. However, it is used to a much lower extent than television and posters. It is mainly employed in the semi-urban and rural areas where most consumers do not watch much television but own radio sets. The adverts are made in either English language, Pidgin English or the major language of the region. The print media is normally not employed in the advertisement of Omo because very few of the women who are the target audience regularly read the dailies and magazines. ADVERTISING PLAN Current consumer perception of brand Most consumers see Omo as an old school (outdated and ineffective) product. believe detergents powders degrade the colours of clothes. Advertising objectives To alter perceptions about Omo. To reassure customers of product quality. To raise impulsive brand awareness from 75 percent to 85 percent. To raise the proportion of consumers describing the brand as effective and value for money to 75 percent. Selected media: Posters (on billboards because of its high perception-altering potential via repetition). Poster advert description The poster will carry a picture of a smiling woman (30-35years old) in brightly coloured Nigerian attire (attire will be changed to match the cultural and religious attire of women in different regions so as to cause the consumers in the region to identify with the advert) on a white background, carrying the brand colours (red, blue and white) on the left portion of the picture. Brand colours will be bold on poster to enable easy identification of the brand even before seeing its name. The right side of the poster will contain a picture of a large amount of colourful clean clothing folded in a stack (wide range of bright colours to be chosen to emphasize colour caring and preserving qualities of Omo). The woman in the picture will be holding an Omo 15grams sachet in her right hand next to the stack of folded clothing (to emphasize that a small amount can clean many clothes) while the products in their different sized packs are displayed at the bottom left of the poster (to show the c ustomer the range of choices available). The brand name Omo will be placed in the poster in large print, second in size only to the phrase Brilliant results always (to highlight the excellent cleaning and colour-preserving ability of Omo)which will run across the centre of a major part of the poster (but does not overlap the clothes). Response/what we want them to believe: Omo has super stain removing ability, A small amount washes a large quantity of clothes Omo does not deteriorate colours Languages to be used in adverts English, Pidgin English and the three main national languages (Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo). Where adverts will be displayed State capital city centres, major markets and roads in the cities and select towns. Timing Six months. Media scheduling Periodic over six months. Results expected Brand to come first in their mind when they think washing To establish the brand and position it in the market as the best for washing Criteria by which success will be judged Change in market share and turnover. Budget A budget of 250millionNGN ( £1.07million) is proposed for this advert. This is justified by the increase in revenue the advert will generate. A 10% increase in revenue (which is 969.2millionNGN from Table 1) will cover the advert and marketing costs and give a reasonable profit. CONCLUSION Omos strong brand presence has kept it over the years. However, a selling concept rather than a marketing concept has been employed for Omo over the years resulting in loss of market share. Constant research should be carried out to keep up with changes in consumer needs. With new emphasis on what consumers want from the product, effective marketing and product promotion, a turnaround can be expected.

Effects of Marketing in Wilderness Tourism Promotion

Effects of Marketing in Wilderness Tourism Promotion Promoting Wilderness Tourism Literature Review Introduction Behavioural research on the study on wilderness destination is a relatively new development in the ecotourism industry. Promoting place marketing has become increasingly important within the tourist industry (Kang-Li 2008). There has been limited work done on promoting wilderness as a place of tourism. This research project aims to identify whether experiential marketing would have a greater impact than traditional marketing and branding approaches in promoting wilderness in tourism. The literature review will explore the concepts of Tourism, Wilderness, Place Marketing and Experiential Marketing, looking at past and present literature from various scholars and academics who have conducted extensive research on these subject areas. Arguments identifying gaps that exist within the literature will be presented, exploring the extent to which experiential marketing would be different and/or more effective than traditional marketing approaches. The Evolution of Tourism and it’s relationship to Wilderness In the early 19th century, the term â€Å"tourism† was used to describe the movement of people for pleasure (Smith, 1989). It is also written that a more convincing origin to present day tourism is centred on the medieval pilgrimages. There is a distinct difference between pilgrimage and tourism. One is a religious activity and the other is a secular (Theilmann 1987). However, as years have passed, there have been further attempts to define the term â€Å"tourism†. The United Nations Statistical Commission has accepted the following definition recommended by the World Tourism Organisation (WTO), stating that tourism comprises: activities where people may travel to different places and stay away from their normal surroundings for not more than a year for leisure, business or any other purpose. (World Tourism Organisation, 1993). In a similar context in the UK the definition most often used was proposed by the Tourism Society in the early 1980’s: Tourism is defined as destinations where people would travel for temporary or short-term stay away from their natural environment to live, work or engage in activities as day visits or excursions (Tourism Society, 1982) Similarly, Jafari, 1977 argues that tourism is about the study of man away from his natural habitat, where the industry responds to his needs, and there an impact is created by him and the industry on the host social-cultural, economic and physical environment. In a simplistic form the term tourism could be understood as movement of people for pleasure or work. From the evidence presented above would it can be concluded from the above definitions that tourism would seem to be: People who are away from their normal place of residence and will return back to their homes at some point in the future. Visits that are only temporary or short term, but are not longer than 12 months in duration. Inclusive of a day visit (excursion). Inclusive of absence from home on business rather than pleasure. The 1990’s increasingly saw the development of tourism in new areas. While the more traditional sightseeing tourism remains at the core of tourism around the world, there has been a significant diversification occurring, particularly within adventure tourism (Cloke and Perkins, 1998), nature-based tourism (Pearce and Wilson, 1995; Higham 1998) and events (Nicholson and Pearce, 2000). Literature shows that one particularly distinctive area of growth has been in natural area tourism (Burton 1998). This form of tourism is nature-based and primarily motivated by an interest in the environment (Burton 1998). Burton further argues that people seek refuge in nature-based tourism to escape from their day to day pressured life style. But, he writes that with the level of growth in nature-based tourism literature, has given way for individuals to misuse and overuse the terms ecotourism and natural based tourism. Creamer, 1995 adopts a framework to present a clear distinction between nature based tourism and ecotourism as seen in figure 1. This framework has been interpreted by arguing that nature-based tourism consists of all forms of tourism which occur in a natural environment and that ecotourism is one form of this type of tourism. Although they are similar there is a distinct difference (Goodwin, 1996). The experience of ecotourism goes beyond just being in a natural environment. Griffith, 1993 argues that ecotourists have distinctive perceptions and beliefs relating to their experiences. This is a far cry from the Sunday picnic or the occasional bush walker. It has been argued that ecotourism has the ability to influence the direction of a tourist’s life. This distinction is seen when they return from an ecotourism experience gaining a new outlook.(Hunter 1994) In a similar vein Ziffer, 1989: 5–8; Ceballos-Lascurain, 1996: 22 and Boo, 1990: 10, have also echoed the same principles underpinning ecotourism. Nature-based tourism has been distinguished into three main categories (Valentine, 1992: 110). Activities dependent on nature (i.e. bird-watching); activities enhanced by nature (i.e.camping); and activities where the natural setting is incidental (i.e. swimming). Adding to this framework, Duffus and Dearden (1990) defined these activities in terms of human and wildlife interaction. Similarly Goodwin, 1996: 287–288, argues that nature tourism includes the marketing of the natural elements to the tourists while enjoying the nature around them. Other arguments present ecotourism as a concept that definitions of integrated tourism giving emphasis particularly to nature conservation (Goodwin, 1996; Ceballos-Lascurain, 1996; Dowling, 1995a, b). Moreover the natural settings characterized in the definition of ecotourism were proclaimed to be similar to that of the concept of Wilderness Recreation in North America, (Boyd Butler, 1993: 11) or in other words, new name to an old activity (Wall, 1994: 4; Nelson, 1994: 248). Academic literature of wilderness exist within the discipline of tourism literature detailing about wilderness and the experiences that people have experienced during their visits. However, wilderness and the relating â€Å"sense of place† it evokes has not been investigated in-depth within the empirical research studies (Dawson, 2006). Managers of wilderness areas need to further understand and measure the relationships that tourists are developing or have already developed with the land area that they are managing. â€Å"Place† is defined as a physical location and a visitor’s subjective experience or relationship with the particular place. The concept of place has been subdivided into a variety of factors, such as place meanings, attachment, identity and dependence (Cheng et al. 2003). The term wilderness has been perceived differently by various scholars and academics. Some academics argue that wilderness is a conserved area where there is a limited presence of humans (Dawson, 2006). While others argue that it is place where people go to the wilderness for short or long hikes that last a day long, while another set of people who camp for several days using primitive means of travel and living (Chad, 2006). At one time, the earth was just a place of wild. The natural environment of wind, fire and rain was operating without the interference by any human influence. The earth was a global wilderness. Today, questions have risen on what is wilderness, how much of it needs to be preserved and should it be managed. Wilderness has achieved a reputation of being a highly valuable resource to many countries.(Stankey 1989) Wilderness has commonly been used in the context of the Bible (Nash 1974). Nash reports that the term wilderness appears in the bible nearly 300 times both in the Old and New Testaments. He continues to report that the term was used as a synonym for â€Å"desert† and â€Å"waste† with the same Hebrew or Greek root. Wilderness has been described as having had three physical characteristics. (1) virtually inhabited. (2) deserted and dry and (3) they were large areas. Human survival in the wilderness was difficult (Stankey 1989). Nash further reports that the wilderness was used to describe in the bible as a place where God’s blessings were absent; paradise and wilderness was a contract to each other. The story of the Garden of Eden stated in the Bible captures this theme explicitly. Nash writes, â€Å"The story of the Garden and it’s loss, imbedded into Western thought the idea that wilderness and paradise were both physical and spiritual opposites† The book of Genesis in the Bible reveals the early Christina idea of the relationship that transpired between man and nature. White (1967), argues that based on the qualities that were developed from the relationship between man and nature, Christianity was the most â€Å"anthropocentric† religion. Furthermore,White argues, â€Å"in great measure, God’s transcendence of nature. . . . Christianity, in absolute contrast to ancient paganism and Asia’s religions . . . not only established a dualism of man and nature, but also insisted that it is God’s will that man exploit nature for his proper ends.† This type of perspective created negative and exploitative thoughts about nature and wilderness among humans. However, it is argued that Christianity also fostered counter perspectives, which have led to our modem views from where wilderness would be have been originated (Stankey 1989). The experience of the Promised Land mentioned in the Biblical context has helped develop a tradition of going to the wilderness. Reasons for going to the wilderness have been determined to get freedom and a purification of spiritual-values. This may have possibly led to the present-day legislative definition for wilderness. Tuan (1974), writes â€Å"For the ascetics the desert was in effect at once the haunt of demons and the realm of bliss in harmony with the creaturely world.’ However, the Judeo-Christian defined wilderness as a cursed land, evil places and a place where water was not present (Dilworth 2006). Dilworth further argues in this context, the paradox of wilderness was evil, it was a necessary evil, also where you could be closer to God, a refuge and testing ground. On the other hand, the Puritan tradition wilderness was understood as a threat to survival, and the ability to survive in the wilderness would make you in favour of God. However, the Utilitarian view o f nature was cultivation and civilization instead of using the term wilderness. This was necessary as it would be a land useful in a practical sense as well as to be in favour of God (Nash 2001). Nash further argues from a Romantic and Transcendentalist era. He writes, wilderness was looked in a more positive sense. The Romantic era brought man â€Å"an enthusiasm for the strange, remote, solitary and mysterious† (Nash, 2001, p. 47). On the other hand the Transcendentalist eras, gave emphasis to the spiritual quality of the wilderness experience. This experience brought humans closer to God and the importance of material things. From the above arguments it seems evident that the definition of wilderness is very much fluid in the sense that there does not seem to be one single definition which can clearly explain the term wilderness. Sigurd Olson, in the early 20th century further expanded on the definition of wilderness – is escaping from a mans everyday difficult life and gaining freedom from â€Å"tyranny of wires, bells, schedules, and pressing responsibilities† (Olson and Backes 2001). This definition was further refined by the Wilderness Act of 1964. They defined wilderness as an undeveloped Federal land maintaining its character of the early years and the influence, without any lasting improvements or human habitation while it being a place that has generally been affects by the forces of nature. It also has an â€Å"outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation†. On the other hand culturally, it has been defined as any natural areas, to the â€Å"Urban† wilderness (Dilworth 2006). Evidently, it seems that Wilderness means different things to different people. Dilworth 2006, recently conducted a study on the meaning of wilderness based on images of the wilderness. His sample was students. The study revealed that based on the images the students viewed they defined wilderness as primarily with natural landscapes lacking human sign, particularly mountains, lakes, and forests. The questions would then arise as to what do you mean by the terms; mountains, lakes and forests? The debate would seem to be endless !! Increasingly, popular adventure recreation activities such as rock climbing, mountain-eering and remote-area trekking most often take place in the wilderness. Most often commercial packing of this type of recreation in the wilderness is coloured with fundamental irony (Eric, Linda et al. 1998). Wilderness business range from skill-building schools to eco and ethno tourism adventures (Eric, Linda et al. 1998). For example in Thailand back-pack trotting adventures (Cohen, 1989). This type of adventurous excursions and activities are positive, enjoyable experiences for participants (Arnould and Price 1993). The commercial offering of Wilderness as a tourist attraction means converting wilderness into a commodity to be marketed as a tourist attraction. Wilderness tourism requires human intervention. This would mean ensuring the wilderness is evaluated, managed, regulated and controlled (Eric, Linda et al. 1998). Therefore, the comodification of wilderness would require the intervention of a communication medium which would attract visitors of the wilderness for tourism. Creating a memorable lasting experience would be the challenge for wilderness managers and marketers. Place and city marketing has been one of the most interesting research topics which have grown in the last 20 – 30 years (Metaxas 2005). Much of the marketing literature over the years have sited on the impact that marketing has had on the global Tourism industry (Palmer and Bejou 1995; Mark and Robert 2002; Theobald 2005; Alistair 2006). Within the marketing literature, â€Å"Place Marketing† has grown rapidly among cities globally and especially in Europe who use different promotional policies to support images of their cities to gain competitive advantage (Metaxas 2005). Promoting the wilderness experience within the place marketing literature has been limited although marketing of island tourism, alpine tourism and adventure tours have developed (Tuohino). As mentioned above, comodification of wilderness is a challenge for marketers. A greater challenge would be the comodification of wilderness as a â€Å"sense of place†. The next section of the literature will seek to explore the idea of place and place marketing and it’s relevance to wilderness tourism. Place Marketing as an opportunity for Wilderness Tourism The concept of place is often related to the adjective â€Å"safe†. But there could be negative feelings also attached to that place (Tuohino). Tuan (1974) defines â€Å"topophilia† as a place which one belongs to and has a sense of belongingness. On the other hand â€Å"topofobia† (Tuan 1974) is defined as negative feelings – aversion or fear. Tuan, further argues that feelings such as fear being connected to a place will remain in the human mind as well as in the environment. Similarly, â€Å"placelessness† is defined as where the environment does not recognise place. Furthermore it does not take into consideration the meaning of places (Tuan 1974; Relph 1976). A â€Å"Sense of Place† has been one of the important concepts of human geography (Tuohino). Tuan in the 1970’s introduced this concept within the geography literature. The concept of â€Å"Sense of Place† has been determined as a social concept and as an individual value or phenomenon (Tuohino). This concept has been sited in many of the tourism literature in the recent years. To quote Tuan (1974), ‘people demonstrate their sense of place when they apply their moral and aesthetic discernment to sites and locations†. In other words â€Å"Sense of Place† is the connection that man would have with a place. Hence, it could be argued that is an important development for tourist and developers of tourism. Place marketing has become an important policy goal for most governments (Kang-Li 2008). Kotler (2002), claimed that the concept of place marketing of a city is considered as a market-oriented product. Ashworth and Voogd (1993) argue that place marketing is where the local activities of a particular location will work together to meet the customers needs. On the other hand Gold and Ward (1994) claim that place marketing is all about creating a positive and attractive image of the place. On the other hand it is argued that Place Marketing is about locality-based strategy to reimage and restructure local economies (Demaziere and Wilson 1996). Furthermore it is argued that Place Marketing is about â€Å"the strategic manipulation of image and culture clearly provides a strong basis for coalition building†(Hall and Hubbard 1996). From the arguments presented, place marketing seems somewhat similar to running a business but ensuring the required facilities, services and visions for further developments are presented. Tourism as an industry, especially cultural tourism has been fully integrated into place marketing (Stabler, 1990). Holden (2000), argues that negative impacts of tourism development can harm the local communities of a place by: misuse of resources, negative behaviour and pollution of the environment. Therefore it is important that place marketing ensures it develops cultural tourism strategies keeping in mind the external factors that can harm and hinder, while satisfying the customers (Kang-Li 2008). Wilderness managers strive to provide a quality experience to all visitors (Dvorak and Borrie 2007). This has lead to the need to incorporate a relationship aspect in the planning and management framework. These experiences are not one off transactions. These are relationships which develop over a period of time between the visitor and the setting (Borrie and Roggenbuck 2001). There is also other aspects that have an effect on the relationship / experience a visitor would have with the wilderness setting. These factors are cultural and social forces, social institutions and the lives of visitors. These factors do change and this has an effect on the wilderness experience (Dvorak and Borrie 2007). Psychology and marketing research have provided some insight in support of this wilderness relationship (Berry 1995). One key aspect to this relationship is that the visitor tends to accumulate an experience with a particular place that associates to a certain identity. Over a period of time the visitor develops a certain loyalty towards this particular area / place (Dvorak and Borrie 2007). It is argued that this relationship built over a period of time becomes something of an individuals culture, expressions and defining who he was and hopes to be. It is this relationship / experiences that managers/marketer of wilderness tourism would find as a challenge in promoting and sustaining. What means are available to marketers in promoting and sustaining this experience? The next section of this paper will argue how place marketing could be integrated into a wilderness marketing experience through the idea of experiential marketing. Marketing Wilderness Experiences The evolution of the philosophy of marketing management has moved from production concept, product concept, selling concept, marketing concept, societal marketing concept to relationship marketing concept. Traditionally marketing has viewed customers as being rational decision markers who care mainly about the features and benefits of the product and service they purchase (Schmitt 1999). An integral part of the marketing mix is the element of promotions better known as marketing communications. Marketing communications is a mode by which marketers / firms attempt to inform, persuade, incite and remind customers about their product or service they sell (Poul Houman 2001). This is one area in marketing which has evolved and changed dramatically over the last 20 – 30 years (Kevin Lane 2001). This has resulted in firms faced with the challenge of designing, implementing and evaluating their communication campaigns which are unique and competitive. In other words campaigns which create a unique customer experience (Mark and Robert 2002). Today the concept of selling experiences is spreading beyond theatres and theme parks. Pine and Gilmore, (1998) claim that experience is not an amorphous construct, but is as real an offering like any other service, product or commodity. Stage experiences occur when a company goes beyond the offering of a good and service by engaging with the customer to create a memorable event. Experiences have always been at the heart of tourism and entertainment (Tsaur, Chiu et al. 2007). For example Walt Disney and his company took the industry by storm with creative interactions with customers. At theme restaurants such as Hard Rock Cafà ©, Planet Hollywood the food is just a prop for what is known as â€Å"eatertainment†. But experiences are not just about the pure experience that a customer may encounter (Pine and Gilmore 1998). Company’s stages an experience were they could engage with customers to present it in a memorable way. Experience is everywhere. Companies have moved from the traditional â€Å"features and benefits† marketing towards customers encountering an experience (Schmitt 1999). To get a grasp of the concept of experiential marketing, Schmitt (1999) presented an argument comparing principles that underpin the traditional marketing approach and the experiential marketing approach. As discussed above (Schmitt 1999) argues that the traditional marketing is all about customers being rational decision makers who care about the feature and benefits. However, experiential marketing is viewing consumers as rational and emotional human beings concerned about experiencing a holistic consumption experience. Further (Schmitt 1999) claims that this shift has occurred due to omnipresence of information technology, the supremacy of brand and the ubiquity of communications and entertainment. This argument was echoed by (Pine and Gilmore 1998) when they claimed that leading-edge companies whether they sell to companies or consumers will be facing the competitive battlefield of â€Å"staging experiences† as presented above. Along with this trend, some companies adopted this concept of experiential marketing to gain competitive advantage such as Apple(Randall 2003), DaimlerChrysler (Tanya and Karl 2003), PG (Jack 2004) and IMG(Barry 2005). Sky, Nike and Strongbow are companies who have in recent years adopted the concept of experiential marketing. But some firms still remain sceptical (Mark 2007). Andy Bellass, of Splendid communication agency argues that experiential marketing has â€Å"come of age†. Bellass explains that it is becoming increasingly difficult to build relationships with customers when you are standing outside. Advertising is not dead, yet, until the circle of experience marketing is complete – getting people to experience the brand, agencies are standing outside (Mark 2007). The biggest problem being that the definition of experiential marketing has flaws and it lies at the roots. Marketing Director of Sledge understands experiential marketing as a â€Å"medium that is focused on creating one-to-one experiences that engage consumers in deeper and more memorable ways†. Others understand it as integrating brands to people’s life styles and adding value to create an experience with the brand rather than having any interruptions. Going further some feel that the definition is becoming broader by the day. However, in saying all this, it seems apparent that traditional communication agencies are nervous how company budgets are being reallocated in favour of experiential marketing techniques (Mark 2007). For instance, research showed that 68% of companies were spending more on experiential marketing in 2005 than they did in 2004 (Mark 2007). Based on the evidence presented, it would seem although there is scepticism, budgets being allocated to experiential marketing techniques means that there is some form of success in this concept in practice. It has been acknowledged that customers are driven emotionally and rationally (Schmitt 1999). People want products and services that render a certain experience. Tourism has been a pioneer example of the experience economy (Quan and Wang 2004). The nature of the travel and tourism product is intangible. What does a consumer expect or get when they visit a tourist location? These experiences are actual. How would companies promote these locations/places? Place marketing has seen it’s relationships to experiential marketing. Echoing on what has already being discussed, experience comes from direct interaction/observation in an event. The core of experiential marketing is about creating an experience for the customer. Accordingly, the experience marketing trends of â€Å"experiences, cultural marketing and ecological landscape† seems to have become the core for this concept (Kang-Li 2008). Based on this, Kang claims that these factors can evoke a consumers motivation and feelings of certain meaningful attachments, while these features and styles need to be preserved and enhanced. So far the review has demonstrated the relationship that experience marketing has had / have with tourism and place marketing. However, there seems to be a gap in the tourism literature on how this concept could be used to promote wilderness in tourism? Ability to creating that â€Å"Sense of Place† and relationship with the wilderness, seems to be limited. Empirical studies have been done on what are the key drivers that motivate people to visit major wilderness areas. However, further research needs to be done on promotional strategies for creating that wilderness tourism marketing experience (Mabunda) Over the years, psychologists and market researchers have attempted to develop techniques and methodologies to explore customer experience (2006). Understanding consumer attitudes and behaviour have not always been easy for marketing researchers (Athinodoros and Ronald 2002). Psychologists view attitudes as a two step process : an antecedent stimulus followed by an evaluative reaction.(Adel 2003) In their paper (Pine and Gilmore 1998), argue the importance of economic progress. They convey their thoughts by way of the following figure. Their thinking on this topic of Experience Economy argues that whether companies are selling to individual customers or organisations, they will find that the next competitive challenge is â€Å"Stage Experiences†. How does â€Å"stage experiences† influence the promotion of wilderness in tourism? Does it create a greater impact on marketing of wilderness in tourism? Summary The aim of the research project is to evaluate if experiential marketing would have a great impact than tradition marketing and branding approaches in promoting wilderness as a tourist destination. The literature review provided a rationale for this main aim, whereby the outcome included in the review illustrated the need for further research in the area of wilderness in tourism marketing. The first section of the literature review focus on the evolution of tourism. The review demonstrated that there is a high level of evidence on defining the term tourism. However, it was evident that the term â€Å"tourism† in its simplest form was understood as people moving to different places for the purpose of pleasure or work. It was noted that in the 1990’s tourism evolved to a high level of definition. Evidence was presented that tourism diversified into adventure tourism, nature based tourism and events. Through the years it was noted that nature based tourism has grown extensively within the tourism literature. Nature based tourism was understood as being primarily motivated by the interest in the environment (Burton, 1998) It was further argued that the Nature Based Tourisms and eco tourism although similar in nature had a distinctive difference. Although it was argued that ecotourism was some form of nature based tourism. (Goodwin, 1996) Much of the literature demonstrated that visitors of natural environments(ecotourism) would gain a new perspective or experience. (Hunter 1994, Ziffer, 1989: 5–8; Ceballos-Lascurain, 1996: 22 and Boo, 1990: 10) Moreover the literature review provided evidence to show that ecotourism was proclaimed to similar to that of the concept of Wilderness Recreation in North America. (Boyd Butler, 1993: 11) In stating these factors a gap in the literature demonstrated that little empirical studies were done on wilderness and the relating â€Å"sense of place†. Literature review then moved on to explore the concept of wilderness. Literature revealed that the term Wilderness was originated initially in the context of the bible. (Nash 1974) The term wilderness evolved from the eras of Christianity, (Nash 1974), to Judeo-Christian (Dilworth 2006), to Puritan tradition, to Utilitarian view, to Romantic and Transcendentalist. (Nash 2001). It was evident that none of the definitions were complimentary to each other. The conclusion gained from the evidence presented was that there was no single definition for wilderness as it meant different things to different people. A recent study proved this thinking. A study on images of wilderness revealed that the sample of students understood wilderness as natural landscapes lacking human sign, particularly mountains, lakes, and forests. The question was then raised, what are mountains, lakes and forests? This debate seems to be endless! Next the literature revealed that popular adventure activities often took place in the wilderness. Evidence proved that visitors on these adventurous excursions and activities always have a positive and enjoyable experience. (Arnould and Price 1993) It was noted that making these activities to commercial packages needed a carefully thought of marketing campaign as wilderness tourism has a human intervention. The greatest challenge all marketers of Wilderness would experience is the ability to comodify the idea of wilderness in tourism to ensure a memorable lasting experience. To explore the idea of comodification of wilderness experience, it was prudent to first understand the concept of marketing and its evolution. The next section of this literature review demonstrated this aspect of the subject area. Place marketing needs to be included. It was understood that traditionally marketing was viewed as customers being rational decision makers. They mainly cared about features and benefits of a product or service they purchased. It has been noted that the promotional element better known as marketing communications has played a major role in this conversion of features to benefit thinking. However it was presented that this element has had a rapid evolution over the years. (Kevin Lane 2001). The focus has been to develop marketing communication campaigns that would create a unique customer experience. (Mark and Robert 2002) The idea of Experience Economy was introduced in the last decade by (Pine and Gilmore 1998). They argue that this experience economy will find out that the next challenge is Stage Experience – where the company goes beyond customer’s expectations by ensuring the customers engages with the product or the service to experience something of a memorable event. This type of experience was pioneered within the tourism and entertainment industry. An example was Disney World. (Tsaur, Chiu et al. 2007) Furthermore the paper pr